Monday, September 18, 2006

Define this

The powers to be at work decided Operations could use some education. So, they signed us all up for a 3 week Medical Terminology class. 2 days a week for 2 hours. Fun!

Things can get busy fast at work if processing isn't being done. So, I do forsee some problems before this class is over. I actually didn't need to take it, as I pretty much took pre-med when I was going to college for funeral service. Sure, it was 15 years ago, but I've retained a good portion. Medical terminology isn't hard to grasp. It's mainly just memorizing Latin roots. But, I decided to take the class regardless. Hey, if work is going to start piling up, I'm not going to be the only sucker sitting at my desk.

Anyway, in honor of medical terminology classes, I'd like to share my all time favorite term with y'all. Of course, I did make it up myself, but it works well for me.

fecalencephalosis. In short, the condition of having shit for brains. Enjoy!

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