Sunday, March 23, 2014

Life of Sigh

Has it really been almost 4 years since I last posted here? Stupid Facebook.

I spent a good chunk of the evening reading through old posts, mostly trying to decide if it's worth investing the energy to revive this blog.

The reason I even revisited this blog in the first place was my discovery of Allie Brosh and her blog Hyperbole and a Half . Nick (now 10) bought her book a few weeks back, and I finally got around to checking it out. I read it cover to cover, and then spent most of last night reading her blog.

I could, and should, gush at some length about how amazing and funny she is. I won't though, because the new Walking Dead will be on soon and I got shit to do before it starts. Suffice to say, she has caused me to think about my blogging days, and whether or not I should pick the habit up again. I've become a respectable citizen, and have to keep my FB presence fairly clean. While I enjoy being respectful, this blog (while not hidden) isn't exactly public, and would be a good place to vent my spleen. I'd like to think I could be as funny as Allie, but I'm not that person and probably shouldn't strive for it. But I have shit to get off my chest, and this might be a good venue.

So, we'll see. For now, consider this me resurfacing and saying "Hey!"


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