So, I checked in
mycall's blog and discovered a meme. It's been a while since I posted one, so here it be.
Does someone love you?
Yes, indeed. That's the grease that keeps my wheels turning.
Do you know anyone named Dave?I do.
Ever kissed anyone with the name starting with a J?I did. A few times.
Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?My father many, many times.
What colour are the walls of your parent's bedroom?Huh? Off white, I think.
Do you think that hair extensions look skanky?There's one girl at work that looks dynamite in them. Not my thing really, but some people can pull it off
Are you named after a grandparent?Nope, for a saint who is no longer a saint.
Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail?I keep talking about quitting my job to work at Home Depot. They wouldn't hire me.
Are you taller than 5'6"?By 3 inches..
Do you know anyone in jail/prison?Not that I'm aware of. But that's just because they haven't been caught.
Ever see a dead body?Hundreds of them.
Do you like the colour green?I do.
What is your best friend's Dad's name?Bill.
How old are you?34.
Who was the last person to send you a text message?KG when we were playing with our new phones.
Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs?I used to work in Bridgeport, CT. So yes.
Last restaurant you went to?China Pearl, which used to be International Buffet. I usually wouldn't suggest International Buffet, but this one was attached to a Chinese supermarket and had really good food.
What is the weather like today?Foggy morning breaking up into midday sun. In the high sixties.
Last voice mail you received?A clinician with a problem which I ignored.
What did you do yesterday?Woke up, went to work, got in trouble, picked up Belly from daycare, went home, had dinner, watched the last installment of
The War, cruised
Fark, went to bed.
What's the first thing you would do with five million dollars?I really don't know. I'd probably buy something foolish. Because I could.
What nationalities are you?Heinz 57.
How many hours did you sleep for last night?5
Any upcoming concerts you want to attend?I'd love to see the Zepp reunion.
Who's the last person that you felt was stalking you?My ex wife.
What jewellery are you wearing?My wedding ring. That's it.
If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you?Depends on where they were going.
How much money do you have?Not nearly enough
Do you swear at your parents?If they ask for it.
Is your phone right beside you?yes, I'm on call tonight.
Have you cried today?I had to pretend to cry to entertain TKJr..
Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?Probably not. That's not a bad thing.
Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?Never!
What is the colour of your bedsheets?Beige.
Have you ever crawled through a window?Many times.
Are you photogenic?I guess.
What's your star sign?Aquarius.
Where do you spend most of your money?Home repairs.
What was the last thing you did?Scratched my balls.
Do you have a tattoo?Three. You want details? A tribal dragon on my right shoulder, Kokopelli on my left arm, and a bluebird on my right arm with Belly's name.
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?I have kids.
Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends?Possibly.
Have you ever told someone you loved them but didn't mean it?Nope.
Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?On occasion.
What are you doing in 2008?Sleeping, hopefully.
What is your ring tone?The Imperial March
What were you doing at 2am last night?Drooling into my pillow.
Are your parents married/divorced/separated?Divorced, remarried, divorced again, remarried.
What are you doing tonight?Catching up on Curb Your Enthusiasm, smoking butts and typing out a meme.
What are you doing tomorrow?Same shit.
Who did you last message on Myspace?An old friend from high school.
What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?Why the hell not?
Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do?Not really.
What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?The Lone Ranger.
Favourite Disney movie?Cars
What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?"Cyberspace"