Friday, October 07, 2005


The Incredible Mr. Limpet or Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter.

I'm going to have to flip a coin.

I logged into work briefly cuz I had some stuff on my mind. I checked my email and learned, much to my glee (yes, glee. I said it.) that suddenly elaborate processes and reports and man hours are going to be put in place to track something I've been making noise about for a while.

Lock & Load.

Mind you, not much thought or effort will go into solving the problem or identifying and dealing with the offenders. We're just going to create a boatload of reports about it.
Well, I'm giving it some thought, and I'm putting in some effort.

Things might actually get interesting, and quite possibly improve.

Lock & Load.

I didn't really need to write that again. I just really, really like ampersands.

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