Saturday, July 01, 2006


TKJr is away for the weekend. The house is very quiet.

KG and I went to a cookout this evening so we could see Mycalls and his most excellent sig other, G. I also hadn't seen his parents in quite a while, so it was a real treat to see them again. Back in the Bickfords days, I spent a lot of time over there.

I also, for the first time in way too long, got to hang out with Dude. Dude and I were pretty tight for a long time. We had a bit of a falling out. The typical stupid thing: a girl. That was a long time ago, and while neither of us harboured any ill will over it, it's been hard to bridge the gap and reconnect.

I have his number, and I've been meaning to call. He had mine. But neither of us got around to it. Life gets in the way, you know? So, it was really, really cool to hang out and chat. Smoke some butts, meet each others new squeezes.

I've missed Dude. A lot. It feels really good to have re-established a connection. Now I will call him. We should grab a beer and try and fill in that gap.

1 comment:

Names said...

I don't even know where to begin.
I'm trying not to be insulted but not being included still hurts like a muther fucker. Dude WTF?