Monday, March 07, 2005

Exceeding Expectations

So, I had my annual evaluation at work today. So much fun, sitting in the bosses cube discussing at great length just how friggin awesome I am. This has been a real banner year for me. When the laptop conversion began, I hit the ground running, and quickly became the person to go to. Needless to say, it was a good review. I'm hoping for the full 5% raise.
It still surprises me that I've grown to care about such things. For many a year I've sought a job that would give me some feeling of satisfaction. Make me feel like I'm doing something positive in this shitty little world of ours. The VNA fills the bill. For now.
And the Beatles just reminded me we need to do our taxes soon.
At any rate, I'm going to try to alternate posts here with new content and some old journal entries that I'm fond of. That's the plan. We shall see what becomes of it. First order of business is finding those pesky journals.

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