Monday, March 21, 2005

You can't go back home

...because they keep tearing the frigging thing down! It's probably been gone for a while, but I just noticed the other day that they tore down the Cathay Center in Weymouth. Nice. One more waterhole from my younger days gone. Bickford's is pretty damn far from what it used to be. I found out from my father yesterday that the house we lived in in Pennsylvania is now an office. Oh well, I hang my hat on my bedroom door, so I guess that'll have to do.
While I'm waxing nostalgic, might as well point you to this little nugget of fun. Back in the day when Bickford's was mine, I would hang out with Steve Burton when he came to town to visit his mom. Last time I saw him, we got really shitfaced in this Irish bar down the street from my apartment. The one and only time I've ever woken up on the floor, my pants around my ankles and my face stuck to a congealed pool of vomit. But we had fun.
This guy, he's not the Steve I knew. Then again, this is not the me he knew either.

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