Sunday, December 04, 2005

Time to make the donuts

It's snowing today. I spent the better part of yesterday and today pushing fingertip caulk into all 19 of the windows in our shitty, drafty apartment. I spent some time and money at Home Depot getting winter related supplies. Most of what I bought was weatherstripping, and not very exciting. I did, however, purchase my very own T-50 , and I'm pretty psyched about that. Apparently, it's the World's #1 staple gun.
Granted, it's not the P35 , but few things are.
Winter in New England sucks. I've lived here most of my life, and the 5 years I didn't live here I spent in Philadelphia, so I know winter. Everyone bitches about it, yet we all still live here.
There are some great things about living in New England, specifically my little corner. The South Shore.
On my way back from Home Depot, I decided to stop at Dunkin Donuts for some coffee. There's one right down the street from HD. However, it's on the left and right on a busy intersection. So, I drove past it. I could have stopped at one on the right a little further up with a drive thru, but that would mean not taking a backroad home. So, what did I do? I went to yet another one across from the CVS that I was headed for.
When we drive down Route 18 to see my mother, I can pass 8 Dunkins before finally settling on the one I want.
Quincy literally has a DD every 1/2 mile. Case in point, I put my zip code in the store finder and came up with 46 stores within 10 miles of me.
Thank you,Bill Rosenberg . I love you, man.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I am so jealous of you, you don't even know how much. No DD within 50 miles of us! Their search engine won't even go beyond that, so no telling how long a road trip we'd have to take.