Thursday, April 21, 2005

Happy Birthday KG!!

Yes, my beloved turns 33 today. In honor of this event, I stopped into Newbury Comics on the way home to pick up a present or two.
First up was Cannibal The Musical. I picked out an Elmo video from Junior ( he takes for granted that we're all huge fans. Which, of course, we are). Then I grabbed a copy of Pulse. We are grooving to that as I type.
I have to admit, I am really, really fond of Roger Waters. I believe him to be the single most self absorbed person I have ever come across. But there's no irony in it. He's genuine. Authentic. And I like that in a person. Doesn't really matter what the quality is, as long as it's the real thing. I am fortunate to know many authentic people.
Anyhow... Floyd. I misplaced my copy of Dark Side a while back. Molius was cool enough to rip my a live copy from '74. It's good stuff. There's a chemistry between Waters and Gilmore that works perfectly. Pulse is from '94. No Roger. That's the problem with the post Waters era. Pink Floyd without Roger Waters sounds like Pink Floyd without Roger Waters. Roger Waters solo sounds like Waters without Floyd. They are incomplete.
But it's all still good.
Poor guys. They're getting sued left and right by their former back up singers. But that's beside the point.
I resisted all SW temptation while shopping for KG. Well... almost. We needed soda, and through no fault of my own, all Pepsi bottles are currently adorned with SW guys. Sweet!That got me thinking, and I found an old journal entry. I wrote it the day after I saw Episode 1. So I thought I'd share.
Oh.... the wife I mention... she's not mine anymore. I've got a much better one now. I love you, Kage. You truely rock my world.

May 20th, 1999. Every Saga has a beginning. Why do I feel that mine has just done that?
It could be any number of things, actually, but we all know it’s not. Sixteen formative years following those precious influential ones. A journey begun, uninformed, unseen, for my head was bent low. So here I am, 26, and the signpost appears.
Ritual. I can see this thought is going nowhere because I am stoned and I was interrupted by my wife. It’s the intrusions into the private moments I mind, despite the fact that that is part of the package. The pull of the Dark Side is strong, for fear does lead to anger, which then blossoms into hatred. Hatred rains down upon the heads of all with suffering. In any form, in any guise, the fact is still the same.
Anger grows from fear of a path obscured. All things stopped to rescue this fair maiden. Concentration and focus, things hard enough to come by due to deficiencies of diligence, were on the moment. Hit pause, freeze frame. No script, no safety net. Action.
Inertia follows. Stress mounts. Karma knocking at the door? What is being said? A mistake? Not a mistake, lack of focus? Somewhere, the path is not being followed. And ripples engulf us. Frightened of swells, gulping nervously for breath, losing site that the edge is only inches away. Or is it? It’s all a matter of perspective, and that was something I knew I had lost. No compass, no clue.
Clouded is his future. Much fear in him.
Yes, but he is the chosen one.
We have to ask... how much is fate, how much is happenstance?
And what does it really cost us.

The large print giveth and the small print takest away.

The benefactor, the Father, had given us a gift. It was ours to do with as we pleased. To take it for what it’s worth.
It’s not about net asset values. It’s not about testosterone. It’s not about hype. It’s about hope. It’s about compassion. It’s a fable.

Imagine that Jesus was crucified as an infant. Never given the chance to disappoint us with his inescapable humanness. Imagine he died an innocent. Now imagine there was no guilt. Is any of it necessary? You should just do what ever it takes to prosper, to empathize, and to benefit whenever possible. Mutual harmony is not such a scary thing as it seems. A hug is a pretty groovy thing.
And connecting, love, they ain’t so bad either. Touching is ok without the greed. It’s fat free and good for blood pressure. Pregnant women or women planning to get pregnant can handle it without risk of specific types of birth defects. I really, really want to know what those defects may be. Are we talking Sudden Infant Lycanthropy? That kind of frightens me, I’ll admit it.
Anyway, see the movie. Enjoy the experience. Have fun, and for a little while, try imagining. See what you think of.

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