Friday, May 06, 2005

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

My mind is feeling a little restless tonight. Not quite sure what train of thought it wants to catch.
Totally forgot I was supposed to meet the Weymouth After Dark brothers tonight. My social calendar is usually so wide open that any engagement is an event. However, this being a SW spring, I've actually had a lot on my plate, so I easily forget one here or there. How annoying.
I've been wanting to write about the curfuffle with my cubemate, but everytime I sit down to do it, I just can't be bothered.
One of my regular readers on journal space has been mentioning Roger Waters alot, and it's got me jonesing for Amused to death . Strange in of itself, since old Mr. Rogers always puts me in a queer mood.
Weekend forecast: shitty. I have a ton of laundry to address, an apartment to clean, and a mother or two to pay my respects to.
I also need to whup Dooku's ass so I can progress in my damn game. (Loved you in The Creeping Flesh , Christopher.) For an old coot, he's got some serious fight in him.
KG overheard a conversation between our landlord and the folks downstairs. Seems they are in arrears with their rent. Reminds me I need to look into that whole home ownership thing.
Sign... work.
12 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes.

1 comment:

Rev. Molius said...

"he amuuuuuused himself to death...."

i have roger's live cd at work if you would like to listen to it. and i have Amused to Death somewhere here. maybe i'll look for it when i try to find The Downward Spiral.