Sunday, May 15, 2005

Putting the folks in a home

So, Luke Skywalker had it pretty rough, discovering that his father was the most evil man in the galaxy. None other than Lord Vader himself.
I've got no serious baggage like that, but I am discovering that my old man is a nut.
My parents divorced when I was 12, Dad's decision. Probably a wise one. Knowing my parents now, I don't understand how they managed to get together and stay together for 16 years.
Dad remarried. His second wife, Deb, she was a "complex" woman. I tried hard to like her. I respected her. But she's got some issues. Not the kind of stuff I feel like going into. They adopted a baby from China. My little sister, Emmi.
Well, two years ago, Deb kicked my Dad out the door. He had a nervous breakdown, ended up in the psych ward for the weekend. He's since got his shit together, somewhat. Declared bankruptcy to get out from under crushing debt. Got his own place, retired from the church. Started substitute teaching, bought an XBox. He's seemed pretty happy and on an even keel as of late.
So... a few weeks ago, he met this female funeral director. (He's still doing the priest thing part time, so this isn't all that unusual.) She's 33. Well, they ended up going on a date. Strange, but not crazy. These things happen.
Mind you, Dad is 56. He's lonely, I'm sure. He's had two marriages end, and found himself single and middle aged. So he's been pretty excited about his new girlfriend.
From what I can gather, he hadn't heard from this new girl in a week or two. They talked back and forth, but no second date. He decided to leave her a card and a rose, along with a 2 page letter filling her in on all that has happened to him over the last few years. Bad idea! I've written a few of those letters in my day, and they never, ever have the intended result. As a matter of fact, they tend to scare of the fairer sex.
As one would expect, he has not heard from her since. Spidey sense says let it lie. Give the girl the space she apparently wants.
Not my Dad. I just got off the phone with him, and he's camped outside her apartment with a dozen roses, waiting to "talk". D'oh!
D'oh, d'oh, d'oh, d'oh, d'oh. d'oh, d'oh!
Dad, if you happen to read this, I love you. But cut the shit! To quote young Skywalker, "I have a bad feeling about this."
I guess that's the joy of growing up. You have kids, who require all your attention and energy. Then your parents start acting nutty, and you have to take care of them as well.
3 days, 3 hours, 6 minutes.

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